A Month

I’ve been back for over a month, and this first month is VERY different than my last first month (yeah that’s very confusing isn’t it?).  This time around Korea feels a lot more like real life instead of a magical dream.  My school does require a lot more work out of me than my old school, and yet I don’t mind.  It makes my days go by really quickly and it also makes me feel so much more like a real teacher instead of this weird and beloved prop.  Not to say that I didn’t love my time at DaeGyo- just that teaching at Worwick is much more like teaching at a real school with more lesson plans and less down time. 

Also since I came early and I still haven’t been paid (pay day is a VERY slow April 10th) I’ve put myself on a strict budget.  A budget I doubt I could stick to in the States- the equivalent of 10 dollars a day.  Although I will say it’s a lot easier on weekdays since school serves us both breakfast and lunch.  On the weekends I get a whopping 20 bucks a day – plus whatever I’ve saved through the course of my week.  I’m doing pretty well, but because of which I haven’t gone out at every possible moment. 

Overall a second year in Korea is what I was told it was going to be- a lot more like real life and a real job.  There’s still adventure, and still new places and tons of new experiences to be had, but everything is understandably a little less foreign, and a little less magical, but on the other side of the coin- a little less scary and confusing. 

From Busan With Love,

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